The most important plan in the world
We operate with consideration and work intensively with sustainability. We strive to ensure that all our decisions involve the triple bottom line: Planet, People, Profit.
We are members of The Green Key and the UN Global Compact and work proactively with the UN Sustainable Development Goals every day. To ensure focus, we have selected three Sustainable Development Goals.
These memberships commit us to a number of requirements and principles that create a framework for our current and future sustainability efforts.

UN Global Compact
With more than 500 members, Global Compact Network Denmark is the largest network for responsible companies in Denmark.
The mission of the Global Compact is to mobilise a global movement of responsible companies to create a better world. This is based on ten key principles, which all companies undertake to abide by.
By incorporating the Ten Principles into strategies and procedures and by building a corporate culture of integrity, companies not only take responsibility for society and the planet but are also better placed to achieve long-term success.
Our sustainability policy describes how we work with the Ten Principles.

SDG # 6
Clean water and sanitation
Clean water is one of the most important prerequisites for health. That is why our aim is to reduce water consumption by 15% by 2025.
We will do this through nudging and internal behavioural campaigns; collecting rainwater for recycling; reducing water consumption for cleaning; water-saving sanitation etc.

SDG # 7
Affordable and clean energy
We are working to reduce energy consumption and towards using renewable energy sources, in part to reduce our carbon footprint.
We do not use fossil fuels for heating, and our Tower building uses only photovoltaic cells and ground-source heating systems to meet our energy consumption needs. We use heating controls and regulate heating and cooling to standard set temperatures.

SDG # 12
Responsible consumption and production
We try to take social responsibility in our day-to-day operations, because world consumption of resources is enormous.
We work with a code for limiting single-use products and a green procurement policy to ensure that our purchases are as sustainable and circular as possible.
We have been awarded the silver category Organic Cuisine Label (Spisemærket). We have a strong focus on waste structure and sort waste both in our day-to-day operations and in our hotel suites.

Green Key
The Green Key is an eco-label from the HORESTA trade association, regulating 13 areas including waste, energy, cleaning and water.
All Green Key members are subject to ongoing processing, approval and inspection by a Jury consisting of Friluftsrådet (outdoor recreation council) and HORESTA, while the Danish Environmental Protection Agency participates as an observer influencing procedure and criteria.

The organic cuisine label
Making a difference for the planet with the Organic Cuisine Label!
We have been awarded the Silver Organic Cuisine Label which means serving 60-90% organic food in our restaurant.
The majority of our vegetables, dairy products and cereals are organic, and the drinks menu includes organic coffee, wine, juice and beer. For example, we source our raw vegetables such as Jerusalem artichokes, beetroot and potatoes from Sørisgaard, which operates organic production powered by wind turbines, and our free-range chicken is from the Rokkedahl family in North Denmark, who focus on animal welfare, sustainable operation and high-quality meat.
We serve some 130,000 cups of coffee over the counter each year, so here, too, we’ve prioritised organic coffee by Lavazza, which is organic, bio-certified and 100% Rainforest Alliance certified.
ESG wins in practice
Small stories about our daily work with environmental, social, and governance initiatives.