Our apartments
Stay in a hotel – in a lovely apartment!

Deluxe Hotel Suite 50 m2
Deluxe Hotel Suite 50 m2 - accommodates 1 - 2 persons. The suites are located in 'The Tower' on the 1st - 7th floor.

Deluxe Hotel Suite 50 m2 with view
Deluxe Hotel Suite 50 m2 with view - accommodates 1 - 2 persons. The suites are located in 'The Tower' on the 8th - 15th floors.

Superior One-Bed 60 m2
Superior One-Bedroom Apartment 60 m2 - accommodates 1 - 2 persons. The apartments is located in 'The Garden'.

Deluxe One-Bed 77 m2
Deluxe One-Bedroom Apartment 77 m2 – accommodates 1 - 3 persons. The apartments is located in 'The Garden'.

Family Two-Bed Hotel Suite 70 m2
Family Two-Bed Hotel Suite 70 m2 - accommodates 1 - 4 persons. The suites are located in 'The Tower'.

Family Two-Bed 77 m2
Family Two-Bedroom 77 m2 – accommodates 1 - 4 persons. The apartments are located in 'The Garden'.

Penthouse Two-Bed 105 m2
Penthouse Two-Bedroom Apartment 105 m2 - accommodates 1 - 4 persons. The apartments are located in 'The Garden'.
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